My brothers and sisters may Allah bless you all, the signs of the Doom’s Day (kiamat) have many been found on this earth, and more than 200 hadits shahih informed about the arrival of Dajjal who will spread out the denial from West to East. The arrival of Dajjal was before the resurrection of Isa bin Maryam as explained in some hadist from shahihain, and Dajjal will control and rule the whole world except for Mecca and Medina which are guarded by the angels. Dajjal will appear as the leader of violence, and his followers are definitely cruel and rude people, his troops are the troops of death makers who will demolish this world with brutality and slaughter for those who refuse to follow his rules.
Dajjal is not a super power country, or politician, etc, as being described and interpreted by the liberal group, Dajjal is a Creature with one eye blind, as explained in a comprehensible Nash (authoritative texts) in Shahihain Buhkhari and Muslim. This Dajjal surely has followers, who are they?, obviously they are human beings, could be from our family, or could be from our offspring, could be our neighbors, and could be from any groups from descendants of Adam a.s. This Dajjal appears and brings slander to destroy the Followers of Muhammad s.a.w and make them drawn with atheism. When we believe that Dajjal will appear with his troops and his ‘followers’, then our logic will inform us to be alert, who will be the candidates to follow this Dajjal?, we understand that Dajjal is the Leader of violence, cruelness and never understands morals and love or compassion, obviously his followers will be the same, … those of rough and violent people being Tarbiyah (trained) with violence and cruelty, they are men who idolize the cruel people who don’t understand the meaning of love…. These people are definitely the candidates of Dajjal troops.
One morning, when I was watching the news on TV, I was shocked.., young kids and little children in almost all part of this archipelago were greatly influenced by a horrible epidemic, they were addicted to a TV show “Smack Down”, to make it worse, they killed their peers with cool expression or even with joking around, many have become victims, some have bruises and wounded, or even dead. Why would these little children fight, having school brawls, demo, while in fact they were only trying to have fun and play around?
Play around to have fun that brings death, my heart was trembling….Naudzubillah since they were kids.., they had become cruel murderers; they were even crueler and more violent compared to any cold-blooded murderer.., why? Because these kids killed while having fun, their naïve faces that have never done teenage crimes now have become killers… one of the biggest sins after being polytheist or worshipping other than Allah, is the sin from murdering, which is bigger than committing adultery, getting drunk and others. We would then say: “Well.. they did that by coincidence, they were just playing around”, my brothers, in the name of Allah, playing around and doing it accidentally are even more harmful, because they underestimated the meaning of killing their friends since they were kids.. They idolized the Barbarians, a group of cruel and uncivilized people who never know the meaning of love, hundreds of those unbelievers who didn’t like gentleness, those who would cheer and be joyful watching violence and slaughter..
Our little brothers, our children.., their idols are those barbarian group.., they know and memorize the names, Naudzubillah even if they were shown those barbarian faces on the Judgment Day they would recognize these idols…
One thing that really tore my heart apart was when I saw on TV; those sadistic and scary faces of the barbarian group from the TV show have been easily memorized by elementary school students. These students recognized the faces of their idols, these faces have been carved in their hearts, perhaps even when they sleep they would be dreaming of meeting with and be friend with those cruel men. Our children’s imagination and dream would be how to become barbarians, with the same haircut, with the same attitudes, with the same cruelness, with the same immorality.
Perhaps the Moslem kids nowadays feel disgusting when seeing white Moslem caps, feel disgusting with Majelis Taklim (religious gatherings), disgusting with sarong and praying mat, because they have become barbarians in thoughts and behavior, you don’t believ this?, try give them two gifts, one is a praying mat (sajadah).., the other is a mask of the barbarian face, which one would they choose? Ask them to choose, to go to Majelis Taklim or to watch ‘smack down’ show? what would they choose?, O…perhaps they still prefer to play, which is natural… ask them to choose, to watch smack down or to get ice cream, toy cars, chocolate.., what would they choose?. Ask them to choose, to meet up with Rasulullah s.a.w or to meet up with smack down stars??
Our young generations would mostly live in the era of Dajjal resurrection, they are getting used to idolize a cruel and rude hero, which is different than the old hero like Superman, a heroic man who has a kind heart but unfortunately exposed his private parts. But now their idol have become even worse than that, a heroic man with devil heart, slaughter his own pal, cowardly attack from behind, torture his companion who has lied down hopelessly, to talk big and brag in midst of loud music, these are the lessons from smack down and the Jewish’ trickiest ways to destroy the young generations of our Moslem at the present time.
While the young generations now have been ruined by narcotics, imagine the generation of our leaders in the near future, it would be a gangster generation and the leaders of this biggest Moslem country will soon be those of drug addicts, while the next generation following them would be the barbarian generation, sadistic, killers, torturers, tricky, and idolizing cruel people. Hence Dajjal appears and is welcomed warmly by his followers, Dajjal who offers satisfaction in cruelty, trickiness and authority.
And when I see the children and little brothers in Moslem houses… the seeds of Dajjal attitudes started to grow in their hearts.. and the result is clearly shown, this smack down show has just been introduced to our country for about one year, but there have been many victims, either dead or wounded, etc, showing the victorious result in destroying the young generation of Moslem people.. They succeeded. The responsibility is in the hand of each father and mother.., have the father and mother introduced the holy idol to their children?.
My brothers, our Majelis dakwah keeps on striving days and nights to ask people to idolize the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. We have coordinated 66 majelis in mosque, musholla, majelis taklim, etc to be visited regularly in order to encourage Moslem people to love Prophet s.a.w. We will keep struggling, day and night without complaining, rainy or hot days would never hamper us together with the youth to keep on flying the flags of Dakwah Muhammad s.a.w each night. We have coordinated thousands of young people, thousand of children who idolize Prophet s.a.w, love the sunnah, love the shalawat, and love the comrades of Rasul s.a.w.
Therefore I call out all Moslem brothers and sisters to take part in this dakwah together, with their thoughts, abilities, profession, wealth, energy, with prayer and munajat (silent prayer), to make this dakwah go forward. Prove your Love towards Rasulullah s.a.w, prove your loyalty towards Muhammad s.a.w, make your loyalty towards Prophet s.a.w carved in your heart and ages, make your loyalty towards Prophet s.a.w carved in your profession, make your loyalty towards Prophet s.a.w carved in your skills and abilities, make your loyalty towards Prophet s.a.w carved in your wealth, make your loyalty towards Prophet s.a.w carved on your lips. Glorify them the way the comrades being glorified with their loyalties towards Rasulullah s.a.w.
The shadows of the generation from Dajjal troops have started to be visible, but the shadows of the generation from the troops of sunnah defenders who will fight against Dajjal have also been visible.
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